Poster, web banner & pictogram

Brief Trollhättan’s Olympic Games will be held in 2024 with a new Olympic branch. For the first time, competitions in the sport Dodge ball will be held. The mission is to create a pictogram for this sport, as well as a poster and web banner where both the games and the new sport shall be presented.

The visual message must be the focus in all the communication carriers. Written information is of secondary importance and should be used to its minimum.


Poster The poster is general for the entire Olympic event. Since this Olympics is local to Trollhättan, work has been done with icons and symbols related to the city. The city skyline contains several prominent buildings in the city. A metaphor has been created by the silhouette by placing buildings in relation to each other so that it syntactically matches the Olympic logo with color and placement.

To further strengthen the message that the Olympics are in Trollhättan, the symbol, the Olympic torch, has been placed in the city. It is known that where the torch burns is the Games, as it is a tradition that it never goes out during the course of the event.

The temporal aspect is given by the warm, yellowed background indicating fine weather, which can therefore be interpreted as a summer Olympics.

The blue 2024 illustration is dominant and placed on the upper part of the image surface and should depict all the city’s water locks. The placement means that you read the poster from top to bottom, left to right. The eye is guided by the arrow-shaped lines of the locks that lead the eye through the entire poster.

Web banner The web banner only promotes the ghost ball branch. The left image area can be interpreted as a space of time where an ongoing match in dodge ball is taking place with the two pictograms facing the cranes in depth. On the right side, there is a two-way communication between the pictogram and the CTA (Call To Action) button. The button’s arrow-shaped background points to the player and the player is about to dot the button with the ball. A visual interpretation a timeline of cause and effect.

Pictograms The Olympic Games means that there are more sports than ghost ball, of which a total of five different pictograms were completed. Deliberately, branches played with ball in the hands were chosen to challenge the creation in distinguishing the sports.

One arm is drop-shaped while the other is triangular. Two shapes that are designed in a similar way but still stand in contrast, rounded versus angular. The underlying idea for the design of the arms is that the drop is a metonymy for all the water locks in the city of Trollhättan and the pointed arm represents the city’s many industries.

Between the arms there is another triangular shape whose task is to help highlight the arms and head, but it is also, with its syntactic placement, also an icon of a heart. It should represent the values ​​of the Olympics, Olympism, that countries should meet in joy through sport.