Scientific poster and social media post

Brief: The assignment is to create a scientific poster based on a question or problematization within the framework of integrity and democracy in social media.

A scientific poster can be seen as a shorter summary of a larger academic work. You can think of your poster a bit like an advertisement for your idea and your work: here you prioritize and highlight the most important. The content must be summarized and scientifically substantiated and must be written in an academic language. The content must also be well anchored in references.

  • The target group for your poster is all other students at Högskolan Väst. Your goal is for them not only to see your poster, but also to become interested in reading and taking part in the content.
  • Publication in two ways is required; partly in the form of printed posters and partly in the form of a digital publication. The content must be “identical” and convey the same message.