Poster of bachelor thesis
Brief Create a visualization of your bachelor’s thesis in the form of a poster. The aim is to create a more accessible re-presentation that quickly gives an overview and communicates the results to the target group, which is other students. The goal is to create interest in reading the entire essay.
Result Since the bachelor thesis is about MSB’s pictures on their Instagram account, I chose to visualize it with a mobile and Instagram interface. This is because MSB’s images are the result and vice versa.
The colors of the poster can be found in MSB’s graphic manual and their font Poppins is used for the texts in the image flow. This is to portray that it is the authority’s image flow. In the title, the Courier font is used to convey the feeling of a documented work and the taped banner should show that the study results are labelled.
The photographs on the poster appear in the study and show a theme result regarding equality between men and women. The study has several themes in its results, but in the poster one of the more prominent results was chosen to be visualized.